Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oct 5 Day 1 Italy - Venice!

With a high alert at the airports, things were slow but gave me a sense of safety.  Naturally I wanted to save time so I got into the "short" customs line at the Frankfort airport (5 hr layover going to Venice) and was told in no uncertain terms by the German federal police that I was in the "wrong" line, but he still let me through (and even sort of seemed to smile, if that's possible).  After arriving in Venice, I made my way by boat via the Vaporetto from the airport, and it was a fabulous introduction to the city - allowing many early photo opportunities.  Met a lovely couple from Sydney, then bought a concert ticket at the tourist center, took another boat within walking distance of the Domus Ciliota (arranged by Msgr Ferme and run by the parish!) and after unpacking ate some bruschetta along with a bellini (hooray Glindas!)- and talking with a couple from Boston - I walked to see the Rialto Bridge.  Venice is unlike any city I've ever seen before, not just the age - quite different from Athens - but the style, art, culture ... and stone everywhere!  I can't wait to visit La Accademia and the Peggy Guggenheim Museums on Wednesday and have dinner with Msgr Ferme.  I don't know why my "room with a view" photo turned sideways, but that is looking out of my little hotel room. Ciao!


  1. Ciao bella! Mi manchi già! Ahh...Peggy's personal collection, you lucky girl...send details...many bellinis coming your way...addio...

  2. Hi Sweetie Glad you arrived safe and sound and the adventure has begun

  3. Thank you all so much. Had an amazing dinner tonight and will have a personal tour of the basilica tomorrow. details to follow. xoxxo

  4. Hi Kathy,
    Good times have already begun for you. Looking forward to reading about the wonderful adventures you will have. I am not too jealous!! Have fun. Am having lasagna in honor of you tonight.
