Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oct 28 Day 24 Bicycling and Making Homemade Pasta

 Sunny and warm day here so I was able to ride one of the Meredith bicycles both in town (morning) and around the farms (afternoon).

Even out in the distant countryside there are churches with bell towers, convents, and little communities.

The olives can only be picked when it is dry, which limits the time that people can harvest if they have a city business as well as an olive business, like my new friends Stella and Andrea (also opera singers).

The soil is a gorgeous dark brown and loamy - no red clay in sight.  

Tonight we had an Italian cooking lesson, by Fabricio and his wife Sarah (the Italian professor) and they taught us how to make fresh homemade tagliare and gnocci!

This food will spoil us from now on since it tasted SO much better than the dried pasta!

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