Sunday, October 31, 2010

Oct 31 Day 27 Off to Florence

The students gave me a lovely going-away present of a Meredith College-red scarf!  It was so touching as well as beautiful and I will treasure it.  Afterwards, Betty, John and the students took me out for a farewell lunch, which was delicious.  They were able to fit this in just before hosting their Halloween Party for the neighborhood (and local schools/friends') children.  The students stayed up for hours the night before, decorating the Palazzo for the event, creating life-sized skeletons, cutting out bats, pumpkins and ghosts, setting out jack o'lanterns, setting up stations for activities, and baking cookies.  This will surely be the envy of the town, as nobody around could possibly top this Halloween party!
My train ride to Florence was uneventful, but the bus ride to the piazza "close" to the convent proved memorable because of an apparent argument between some of the passengers.  Nobody got terribly angry, but it appeared that a woman stood up for another one and berated a man for not being appropriately respectful to her.  Another older woman was especially helpful to me, carrying my suitcase to the bus door so that I would not miss my exit, and then handing it down off of the bus.  It was wonderful.  Grazie tanto!
I was very happy to finally find the convent where I am staying (Sr. Elisabetta), after walking uphill through the pouring rain and stepping into a massive puddle. The nun was gracious and showed me the key to the private nun's parlor where I could use the internet.  This probably means that they will expect me for 7 am morning prayers (yikes).
Orientation tomorrow for the cooking school and I will begin my exploration of Florence!

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