Monday, October 11, 2010

Oct 11 Day 7 Sansepolcro

Quiet, restful, lovely rainy day with much wonderful conversation, meeting local people, and getting my bearings in this 13th century town with some of the most beautiful architecture I have ever seen.  There are coats of arms on the outsides of the buildings, towers adjoining homes (for what purpose, I have no idea other than to be able to say you have one) and remarkable ceilings in otherwise ordinary shops.

It is obvious that I need to learn at least some conversational Italian, so that will become my next task.  Buon giorno. Mi chiamo Katarina. Piacere. Come va? Bene. Grazie mille. Ciao.
Betty and John are most charming, helpful, gracious, and so wonderful ... sono molto bendetto.

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