Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Oct 12 Day 8 Sansepolcro

Sansepolcro's Civic Museum is small but gorgeous. Its most famous paintings and frescoes are by its favorite son, Piero della Francesca (the anniversary of his death just happened to be today so it was free museum day), who was quite the Renaissance Man -
There was an especially pretty Madonna con Bambino that I liked because the Christ child looks like my nephew Michael as a little bambino!
It was market day and the main shopping area was abuzz with shoppers.  I tried on a coat that was too big and a small, elderly woman came up to me, pulled the coat out in the front, frowned and said something that must have been "do not buy this, it looks awful on you." I said "grazie" and quickly put down the coat. On the way to the museum, I saw another cute Italian Nano on her motorcycle and had to snap a picture.
We eat the most amazing lunch every day all together, a full 4 or 5 course meal, cooked here in the palazzo by 2 local women who are going to make each of us gain at least 50 pounds.  Today, we were joined by a lovely couple from (of all places) Australia, and they shared with the students  their thoughts about Australia and travel in general. After lunch, I wandered around the town, bought some prosecco, limoncello, and cabernet (not just for me- I'm not that bad) and also took in the sights, stopped into some galleries, heard some music, and enjoyed the lovely town.

Oh, and I found several paintings of the saint for whom I must have been named, St. Catherine of Alexandria.  When she refused the hand of the Emperor, he sentenced her to death on the wheel, but when she touched it, it broke (not to be outdone, however, the Emperor had her beheaded).  
This trip continues to be wonderful and I look forward to visiting some outlying towns, like Urbina, soon.


  1. I learned about piero Della Francesca in my early Renaissance art history class! So jealous of everything you're seeing! Miss you!

  2. Glad to see granny is wearing proper protective gear! Do a lot of people ride scooters just to get around town? Nice to hear you are having a wonderful tour.

  3. There are many motorcycles here, which makes sense because the roads are so narrow! Thanks for the good wishes and comments!!
