Monday, October 11, 2010

Oct 10 Day 6 Sansepolcro (Tuscany)

Saying addio to Venice was sad, especially with the beautiful, sunny skies, but it was time.  The 4 hour train ride to Arezzo was tolerable, but for the 4 young Italian women who chatted nonstop the entire trip.  I was spoiled, yet again, by being picked up from the Arezzo train station by Betty and John (Meredith College study abroad director & husband), driven to Sansepolcro and taken out for homemade ravioli stuffed with truffles (in season!).

The Meredith palazzo is gorgeous and the students are very gracious and do not seem to mind (too much) that an alumna is invading their space!  This is truly a lovely town, full of art, history, craftspeople, and la vita e bella!

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