Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oct 15 Day 11 Urbino

Driving over the Apennines with 3 new friends towards Urbino was both thrilling and terrifying!  I cannot imagine how a bus or truck would make those hairpin turns or climb the hills, but fortunately we made it both ways with no problems.

Upon arriving, we saw many students in the main piazza and witnessed a student pouring many euros into the basket of a mime in order to try to get her to move.  Since then, I have seen a few of these people and they are quite spooky.

We next walked up the steep hill (they always are in these towns) to visit Raphael's home, which had lovely architectural features and furniture.  Very little of his art is there, but fortunately there were a few of his paintings at the Ducal Palace, such as the Ritratto di Gentidonna and Madonna col Bambino
Urbino is another charming medieval town, and was one of the best known capitals of the Renaissance.   The Ducal Palace is the (well deserved) highlight.  Frederico da Montefeltro was a powerful and wealthy 15th century Duke who loved the arts.  He married his wife when she was 14 and he was 38 and she only lived for 12 more years.  Frederico killed his half brother in order to be the Duke, which occurred 2 years after his wife's death.  Their delicate son was not able to assume the duchy, and it passed to his cousin.

The Palace is enormous and quite the engineering feat. The architect was Francesco di Giorgio Martini.  I have never seen such gorgeous inlaid wood, elaborate ceilings, and spectacular artwork in one home! Even the archeological room and basement were amazing.

Behind the Palace is a theater and an interesting, modern horse sculpture that received much attention.

Driving back, we were able to see the first colors of autumn and more beautiful countryside.


  1. Miss you momma--still can't believe all of the amazing things you're seeing up close in real life! Everything is pretty boring here, just waiting on bar results and networking as much as I can stand. Wish John and I could beam onto one of your day trips to the hill towns!

  2. Would SO love for you and John to come join me... think we could make that happen? You will pass the bar, no problem. Love you!
