Thursday, September 16, 2010

Planning the Itinerary!

I can pretend that I am Diane Lane or Julie Roberts while planning this trip and fully expect to have some technicolor moments during this upcoming trip to Tuscany...

People are so generous with their ideas and their contacts.  Those being tremendously helpful in planning this trip so far include Betty Webb (Dir of Study Abroad for Meredith College) & Kevin Morrison  (Assoc Director), Msgr. Brian Ferme, President of Marcainum Institute in Venice,  Jack Schlageter, Trisha Murtaugh, Mahan Esfahani, Hank Straus and Karen Barwick, and bunches of other friends who have lent books, ideas, encouragement and inspiration.  Hooray for U.S. Airways and the free flight using mileage (greatest invention ever).  It will be so fun to share ideas with the Meredith College study abroad students in Sansepolcro.

Now to work more on the itinerary and learn some basic Italian phrases...
Kathryn Christian Bender
Chapel Hill, NC


  1. Kathy, have an amazing time and remember that we are all traveling with you!! Vicarious Airlines is the only one that would accept my miles :-)))

  2. I know it's going to be an AMAZING adventure with all the planning you've done so far plus a little bit of spontaneity. Safe travels!

  3. Thinking of you and hope you arrived safely in Venice....
    looking forward to your next post/update!
    All well in Chapel Hill today. Beautiful weather!
    Big hug, Annie
