Friday, November 5, 2010

Nov 5 Day 32 Florence Out of Doors

It had to have been 70 degrees today, so bright and beautiful... and of course the rain is coming next week so I needed to enjoy being outside.  After walking absolutely no less than a zillion miles, I enjoyed seeing lots of sights.  Up at the top of the hill from the convent is Piazza Michelangelo, a great spot for viewing all of Florence.

Ok, so I take too many photos of the Ponte Vecchio, but it is really pretty.

This is leading back toward the Palazzo Pitti, where I went in order to see the Galleria del Costumes, which had gowns from the 15th C to the present.  They had a number of designer gowns and some that were anonymous, and they were all interesting.

The Basilica of San Miniato al Monte, built in the 11th century and holding the bones of St. Miniato, is a gorgeous sight, with marble, frescoes, apses, stained glass, and singing monks!  The monks follow St Benedict's Rule - pray, work, and govern yourselves.  Apparently they do a Gregorian chant each afternoon and hopefully I will be able to go hear them while I'm here.  The cemetery is lovely as well, and there are a couple of tombs.

Today was the first day that I actually saw people sculling on the Arno River.  I had been wondering if this river would have some of the same activities as the Charles.
This is one of the gateways to the entrance to Forte Belvedere, built to protect Florence and also to serve as a warning to its citizens to behave properly  -  insurrection was strictly forbidden.

What should have been forbidden today was my walking through the fashion district and then the famous San Lorenzo outdoor market.  The leather here is sumptuous and the prices are quite reasonable (I keep telling myself).

I also spent some time in the other famous establishment, the official perfume/pharmacy of Santa Maria Novella, which began in the 13th century when Dominican monks created herbal remedies. It is the trendy place to buy oils, perfumes, potpourri, and its prices show that it is aware of its popularity.

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