Friday, November 19, 2010

Nov 18 Day 46 Ouch

Driving along the Mediterranean Sea in the rain, but with spots of sunshine.  Some lovely areas and some not so pretty ports with booming industry.  Small towns have stuffed wild boars, churches, and trattorias.

These are pine trees that seem to function as umbrellas - quite lovely.
The little town, San Stefano, was perfectly perched on a hill with a gorgeous view of the Mediterranean.  Many places were closed for the "holiday" - which appears simply to be a month off before Christmas.

At around 5 we were turning left and a car, traveling way too fast, decided to pass us on the left, and sideswiped the driver's side, deploying the air bags and skidding us towards a culvert. The other car fell down into the culvert on the other side, but thankfully everyone is fine (but for some bruising and soreness), even though the cars are not.  Whew.  This is my view, out of the policeman's front seat, towards our car (whose rear tire is completely in the air).  What an ordeal, dealing with the Italian authorities.  Said a lot of thankful prayers. 

Tutto bene.

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