Sunday, November 21, 2010

Nov 21 Day 49 Roman Ruins

Today was a "Roman Ruins" kind of day, despite the late - developing rain, followed by a nice respite in the Musei Capitolini then a coffee correcto (with grappa or sambuco), followed by a half litre of wine - totally due to the rain- - then dinner where the lamb was tender and, again the wine was wonderful. Had a nice long conversation with a nice couple from Texas - good to find people with whom to speak English!
 These are rooms from some ruins that I will try to figure out later!
 Yes, my hair looks fabulous.

This not only shows the Italian flag but also the front of the monument to the unknown soldier.

From the Museo Capitolini, showing possibly one of the famous philosophers, this one with a special marble wig and scarf, which really is amazing, considering the fact that you would think that they used whatever marble was available.  The museum was gorgeous and more later on that.

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