Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nov 23 Day 51 Vatican City

How does one possibly describe the beauty of the Vatican Museum, especially the Sistine Chapel, and St. Patrick’s Cathedral? 

There is Apollo Belvedere, a truly beautiful example of man, despite the fact that it is a Roman copy (2nd century) of the original Greek bronze. 
Seeing the Laocoon, probably commissioned by Caesar himself, was extraordinary because you can see the serpents killing Laocoon and his two sons as their punishment for warning the Trojans about the wooden horse.  There are beautiful Egyptian and Greek artifacts, sargophagi, and real mummies as well as gorgeously decorated chapels, ceilings, and walls. 
Seeing Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, where he spent 4 years working on the Creation, Judgment, and other panels, was breathtaking and it was hard to pull myself away after craning my neck for at least an entire hour.  Raphael’s frescoes are amazing (especially since he was only 25 when asked to paint these rooms by Pope Julius II) , as well as the more modern art, including Van Gogh, Chagall, Dali, and others. 

St. Peter’s Basilica is extraordinary, very grand and imposing, and seeing Pope Paul II’s likeness in the tomb was very moving, along with the unequalled Pieta.  Naturally the dome had to be climbed, and the climb was well rewarded with beautiful views, rainbows, and sunsets.  There was even a service going on, and the choir sounded like true angels.  It is difficult to pack and leave this beautiful country, but my 51 days are up.  Arrivederci.  Sigh.

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